Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Agenda
Chair Report / Officer’s Reports
Ward 7 Dems Officer Reports, Committee Chairs and Democratic State Committee Members
First Vice Houseal moves to approve the agenda. Second Vice Marshall seconds. Motion passes.
Rec. Sec Davin moves to approve the minutes. Second Vice Chair Marshall seconded. Motion passes.
Old Business
Karim D Marshall Esq, 2nd Vice Chair, Ward 7 Dems
Second Vice Marshall moves that the Ward Seven Democrats adopt the bylaws as amended. Sergeant at Arms Brown seconds motion. Motion Passes.
New Business
Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Resolution
Dr. Delia Houseal, 1st Vice Chair, Ward 7 Dems
Leniqua’dominique Jenkins, Chair of Issues & Policies, Ward 7 Dems
Budget & Fundraising
Brandon Scott, Treasurer, Ward 7 Dems
Guest Speaker
The Honorable Mayor Muriel Bowser
Community Announcements Closing Remarks Adjournment
Latisha Akins
Tiffany L. Brown P
John Capozzi
Kevin Chavous
Lawrence Davin P
Dorothy Douglas
Tony Dugger P
Wendell Felder P
Theni Freedom
Vincent C. Gray P
Lauren Grimes
Philip Hammond
Delia Housel P
Chioma Iwuoha
Leniqua’dominique Jenkins P
Alan Karnofsky
Dionna Marie Lewis
Karim Marshall P
Kareem McCraney
Brandon Scott P
Naprisha Taylor P
Keith H.Towery
Myski Valentine
Dexter Williams P
Meeting called to order at: 10:05
Quorum: yes