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May General Body Meeting

The following members were in attendance:

  1. Wendell Felder

  2. Delia Houseal

  3. Karim Marshall

  4. Lawrence Davin

  5. Brandon Scott

  6. Tiffany L. Brown

  7. Naprisha Taylor

  8. Dexter Williams

  9. Keith H Towery

  10. Dionna Lewis

Meeting called to order at: 10:05

Quorum: Yes

Approval of agenda: approved

I. Call to Order, Roll Call and Approval of Agenda

The First Vice Chair motioned to approve the agenda. The Second Vice Chair seconded the motion. Motion passed.

II. Ward 7 Dems Officer Reports, Committee Chair Reports and Democratic State

Chair Felder spoke about Kickball game

III. Committee Member Reports

  1. Recording Secretary reviewed minutes from last meeting

  2. The First Vice chair spoke on opportunities to join committees.

  3. The Second Vice Chair discussed the process on how Precinct Captains were selected. Note that Precinct 95 is still vacant. Precinct 132 is still vacant and missing from the list.

  4. Sergeant at Arms moved to approve the minutes from the last Public meeting as read. The Second Vice Chair seconded the motion. Motion passed.

IV. Presentations

Ward 7 Voting Trends (10min)

Keith R. Hasan-Towery, Chair, Voter Outreach and Education Committee & At-Large Committeeman, DC Democratic Party

Pro Ranked-Choice Voting (10min)

  • Jeanné Lewis, Rank the Vote DC Coalition

  • Markus Batchelor, Former President of the Ward 8 Democrats & Vice President, State Board of Education

Con Ranked-Choice Voting (10min)

  • Verna Clayborne, DC Women in Politics

  • Anita Bellamy Shelton, DC Women in Politics

  • Bob King, Seniors Against COVID-19 Commission

  • Dionna Marie Lewis, DC Democratic Black Caucus

Ranked-Choice Q&A (10min)

V. Old Business

  1. Still in the Process of amending the By-laws. More information will be given at the next meeting.

VI. New Business

Annual Plan Review & Feedback

Delia Houseal, 1st Vice-Chair, Ward 7 Dems

Annual plan will be posted to Website

Overview of Proposed Budget

Brandon Scott, Treasurer, Ward 7 Dems

  1. $1157.18 standing in account

  2. $403.40 check received.

VII. Community Announcements

VIII. Adjournment

Sergeant at Arms moved to end the meeting. Second Vice seconded.


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